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The Two Types of Cosmetic Allergies


A cosmetic allergy is simply an allergic reaction caused by certain cosmetic products which an individual has sensitivity to. These products include many of the everyday items we all use such as deodorant, shampoo, body wash, perfume, make-up, and many other cosmetic products. Typically allergic reactions to cosmetic products are mild and very rarely do them because a severe reaction however, it is not uncommon for an individual to experience a mild reaction from a certain type of cosmetic product at least once during his or her lifetime.

There are two types of cosmetic allergies that can occur with the most common being "irritant contact dermatitis". This is when the part of the skin that comes in direct contact with the product develops a rash, skin patches or blisters which are very itchy and can be further aggravated by scratching to the point where they may ooze. biotique night cream The second type of cosmetic allergy is known as "allergic contact dermatitis" which is when the individual is allergic to a specific substance or ingredient in the product. This can cause an individual to break out in hives which typically appear on the facial area and neck, but can occur in other places on the body as well.

The first step you should take if you experience an allergic reaction to a cosmetic and are not sure what caused the reaction is to cease using all cosmetic products until the symptoms have disappeared. bb cream price You can then start by trying one product at a time to try and determine exactly which one is causing the problem. If you are able to determine the specific product that you are allergic to, read the ingredients on the label carefully and check to see if any of these ingredients have caused you to have an allergic reaction in the past, you can then avoid purchasing any more products which contain these ingredients.


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